Thursday, April 23, 2015


The 4/5 team at our school are going on an amazing journey into the worlds of Shakespeare's plays. This Shakespeare topic approaches William's work much like a book topic would - as you can see by the friezes. At the same time, the all-male Elizabethan characters are invited to join a troupe of players lead by "Lord Winston." At the end of the topic, each 4th and 5th grader will perform in two of the four plays. Take a look at their work so far...

A Midsummer Night's Dream...

The Tempest...

Julius Caesar...



Monday, April 13, 2015

World Wide Surf Tour - Frieze

After we created characters and decided to "join" the tour, we did some thinking about the places that would be good to visit as surfers. We did some map-reading and world geography - using some maps to help us with our brainstorming. We also considered what the "perfect wave" for surfing might look like. Here are a few images from our frieze-work...

Here, 2nd grade boys work on tracing our world map using a projected image of a map. We focused only on continents and oceans. As we arrived in each new country, I drew in the outline of each country and we colored them in with red crayon.

We used torn/painted paper to create our wave. We tried to use different colors to create depth and "ocean spray"

About 3-4 students worked on ripping/gluing the wave on at a time. Other students worked on other portions during this time, or continued working on their character. The girls to the left are creating a large sign that reads "World Wide Surf Tour" to go above our map, which will be placed to the right of the frieze. As we go, I will add artifacts from each country to the frieze.

Monday, April 6, 2015

World Wide Surf Tour - Getting Started

Three 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms are embarking on The World Wide Surf Tour this spring! We are just getting started, but I hope to share our progress with you along the way.

On the first day back from break we had a visitor. His name was Duke and he shared about his surfing experience and his motivations for starting a World Wide Surf Tour. He asked if any of us wanted to join the tour. Our response was a resounding "YES!"

Here are some of the Key Questions we explored after the hook...

Then we imagined what the perfect wave would be like...

And developed our characters...

We all come from six different countries! So we applied for our passports, too...