This fall my students and I explored the world of Natalie Babbit's novel, Kneeknock Rise. Many are familiar with Tuck Everlasting, for which Babbitt is most known. I would argue that Kneeknock Rise is equally as wonderful. And it is an especially perfect novel on which to base a storyline. It seems like half the work in writing a book-based topic is finding the right book. After you do, the storyline writes itself.
This novel gave us opportunities to incorporate the following curriculum: Close/Complex Reading, Vocabulary, Narrative Writing (this book is an amazing mentor-text!), Non-Fiction Reading, Fact and Opinion (legendary creatures reading and reports), Basic Economics (community study), Drama, States of Matter and Thermal-Geyser Science, Opinion Speeches... as you can see, it's one rich storyline!
Please enjoy a photographic explanation...

After doing a repeated close-read of the first 4 pages of our novel, we created prototypes for our frieze. We considered all the ideas of what needed to be included and the we set about creating the setting of our story...
Sponge painting what would become the countryside that "lay as flat as it had been knocked unconscious."
And the stormy sky!
The homes for the "Village of Instep."
Putting it all together - notice the Megrimum's cave at the top of Kneeknock Rise.
And now, it was time to explore the main characters of our story... Each team looked for descriptions in the text to support their design of each of the 7 main characters. Then, they went to work creating the 3-dimensional characters...
Step one: covering wire base with tape and newspaper.
Step two: using plaster wrap to give our characters a hardened shell.
Step three: adding clay and pain to the hands, face and feet.
After adding cloth for clothes (gotta love a glue gun!) our characters were ready for display. The written "reports" behind each character was completed by each team based on text evidence.
We also created personal "villager" characters - paper dolls that went on the frieze.
Next, things started to happen (Incidents) in the Village of Instep...
Here we are, as "villages" asking Aunt Gertrude about her encounter with the Megrimum the night before. Next, we created artwork and poetry about what WE believe the Megrimum to look like...
And here are scenes from the Instep Fair, where our village makes most of our money every year. There were a lot of "Megrimum" items sold to visitors who come to hear the moans of the mysterious creature...
At the end of the fair, Ada dared Egan to climb the rise to see the Megrimum for himself. Egan rose to the challenge and so we sent out a search party...
Here, we are moving our characters closer to the top of the rise (and adding some thought bubbles to show what the villagers think about Egan's choice to climb the rise).
Then, we actually climbed the rise to find Egan, calling for him and ringing our bells to keep the Megrimum away.
At the top, we read the next part of the story and found out, just like Egan did, that there actually isn't any Megrimum at the top of the rise. The moaning is actually a geyser in a cave!
Some wanted to keep believing, though...
Next we learned about geysers and investigated the change from liquid to gas (expansion!)...
We made predictions about Egan's choice to plug the geyser up in order to prove to the villagers they were wrong all along about there being a Megrimum. Egan found that most villagers were reluctant to believe him. They chose to keep believing in the Megrimum... they had good reasons to support their opinions, too!
After the story was complete, we worked on further developing our performance for culmination. Here are some images from culmination...